In the depths of a restless soul that lives in complete isolation from experiencing life at its full beauty.
A soul that lives in darkness to face life at its full challenges without the gift of hearing and seeing. Struggling to communicate with others and be part of society.
We are here to tell you that it is possible to give them hope for living and can be achieved by providing deafblind people with ways to communicate with others so they can express and engage.
This book will give you a tour on how to communicate with deafblind people through the sense of touch and to create a language with them that both can communicate with each other effectively.
Buy the book here: The Universal Guidance to The Arabic Tactile (Touch) Sign Language for DEAFBLIND with English and Signs (Part 1)
Deafblindness is a condition in which
both hearing and vision loss are present
at the same time.
The combined effects of these losses, even if both
are mild, create unique challenges for
the child, family & educator.
Reaching, Training, Social Participation, Communication, Therapy and Follow-up, Expand Disability Survey of Children and Individuals of all ages with multiple Sensory Deprivations, co-occurring Disabilities, Visually and Hearing impaired persons, the DeafBlind... … Publications, Researching and Development …
Registered and established in 2001, in establishing The Jordan Club For Deafblind (JCDB).
Our Vision and Mission Statement –
What we believe and want:
“We believe in providing equality and
opportunities within society for
persons living with deafblindness.”
Statement of Purpose:
The project targets people with cooccurring disabilities, specifically
deafblind people, as well as publishing
materials and coming up with better
solutions for the deafblind to be reached
and considered, communicate
effectively and progress while building a
community for them.
JCDB accepts children and adults with
co-occurring disabilities, and specifically
deafblind people regardless of gender,
race, class, age, religion or ethnicity.
The project is tailored to teach and train
daily living skills to empower the
deafblind people for a less dependent
life within their family and community,
and also to educate communities,
families, etc. on ways to communicate
with them through Tactile signing, Lorm,
Braille and distant communication
solutions through technology within each
other and the rest of society even
around the world.
Funding is essential for the continuation
and development of the club. There is
high level risk that financial sustainability
cannot be maintained.
WhatsApp# +962 7 9708 6944